Wednesday, November 4, 2015

algebraic boolean algebra to prove De Morgan's laws

For 2 binary variables, which may also represent truth and falseness, we can solve for algebraic expressions representing the usual boolean operations like below... we just solve
algebraically for the four conditions in the truth table to get the coefficients...
Here I solve for ~(x OR y)
 which is:
So the equation above ranging over the binary parameters is:
regular OR is:
and it's easily proven that to negate any expression multiply the expression by -1 and add 1, the OR above is -1*(NOR) +1 for example, and the NOR is -1*(OR) +1 as well. Just see that any time the expression evaluates to 1,  1*(-1)+1 = 0 and when it evaluates to 0, 0*(-1)+1 = 1

So to prove de Morgan's laws we need an AND as well...
So de Morgan's laws are that  ~(x AND y) = (~x OR ~y)...
So ~AND is the same as -x*y + 1 to negate x*y, and then we multiply each variable in the or expression by -1 and add 1 to get...
And simplification shows we have equality...

**Powers and composing**

Sometimes when composing by substituting one of these expressions in for a variable in another, you get powers of a variable, but this is resolved by noting that any counting number power of 1 is 1 and any likewise for 0 is 0... For example This is substituing (X or Y) in for x and ~(x OR y) in for Y in the expression for (x AND y):
In the above the powers of a variable were removed to get to the bottom line to show that (x OR y) AND ~(x OR y) is always false or 0... I think this type of exponent elimination and algebraic simplification makes the 16 possible basic expressions from the 16 truth tables closed under composition...

**3 or more variables**

For 3 variables you solve this equation for the 8 possibilities of the unknowns:
and in general you have coefficients for multiplying the variables 0 at a time (the constant factor),  1 at a time, 2 at a time, etc. up to n at a time for n variables... This is 2^n coefficients because the number of coefficients is the same cardinality as the power set on n items which is 2^n, and there are 2^n possiblities of variables making 2^n linear equations in the coefficients so it can be solved...

**Fuzzy Logic**

Using the expression for OR which is x +y - x*y, I wonder if it's true that if x has a 25% chance of happening and y has a 37% chance of happening, that we can plug in those values and get:

That x OR y has a 52% chance of happening, I'll have to write a program and see whether empirically this checks out... For fuzzy logic you'd have to do away with the rule that exponents disappear of course...

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