Friday, July 25, 2014

DC to 60 hz AC square wave converter

Above: Red, black, green and purple are copper electrodes, copper colored is two separate pieces of solid copper, and blue is non-conductive material.
First the solid copper parts are fitted together with the non-conductive part. I'll call these two together the Axel. Here are what the two opposite sides look like, note the copper sticks through the insulation on the lower half in two rectangular shapes, I'll call these the lower and upper notches...

Then the electrodes are held in place around the outside of it like so:

The red piece is connected to the negative terminal of the DC source electricity. The black piece is connected the positive terminal of the DC source. The green and purple electrodes are the square wave AC output electrodes. Then, with the electrodes held fixed in place, the Axel is made to spin around it's long axis inside the electrodes. This is accomplished by mounting the Axel on a 3600 rpm DC motor.

The upper notch as I've named it alternates between touching the red and the black DC electrodes, as the lower notch is touching the opposite electrode. As the Axel spins the notches stay in contact with their respective electrode for about half a revolution. The lower notch has a direct electrical connection to the purple electrode, and the upper notch is directly connected to the green electrode. Thus the purple and green electrodes are switching polarity at 3600 times per minute, or 60 hz at the same voltage as the DC source, hence the output is an AC square wave.

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